Asia Operation declare its commitment and the practice in order for achieving the SDGs’ purpose in compliance with the declaration of the United Nations [Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)]
Managing Director: Osamu Suzuki
The Practice For Achieving The SDGs
The environmental working for all, equal employment opportunity.
Supporting the employment regardless of sex ・age Improving the working environment for all types of employees, having activities together. Result: Creation a company with Sustainable Operation. 〈Practical Method〉 Re-employment after a retirement. Giving chances such as a promotion on its duties. |
Empowering Environmental Care Activities, Works.
Reducing of Natural Resources Usage・Recycling・Separation Before Disposal for the better result globally and personally, as well as for the safety of employees・preserving the global environment. Result: Elimination of useless costs then creating benefits for the company. 〈Practical Method〉 Seriously carrying recycle activities, reducing wastes. Reduction on printing works, turning into electronic file instead. |